
Wirta Wedding 6-Month Revisit

Hello there again Everyone!


So as some of you know, I shot the wedding of Brea and Adam Wirta. The wedding was amazing, but the only down side was that they had the wedding in the beginning of January, when it was almost -40 outside. Now, I've lived in Canada my entire life, so I know that it gets cold, and I accept that fact. But none of us were prepared for the wind-chill that came off of the lake the day of their wedding. 

So as brave and foolish individuals, we decided to do some of the bridal party photographs outside, in knee deep snow, with a -40 windchill. Needless to say, we took about 6 photographs and everyone gave up and went back to the reception. So with us all wimping out, I felt the need to give them another shot at some beautiful Bride and Groom portraits, just in warmer weather the second time around. 

So we settled on July, and we settled on a location in Bruce Mines. Without the pneumonia inducing weather, and the rush to get back to their reception, we made magic, and I was so happy with what we were able to put together. I honestly feel like this is the best wedding image I have taken to date. 

I present to you, Brea and Adam, a 6-month Wedding Revisit.