I'm sorry!

Hello there Bloggy type people!


I know, I know, it's been a while since I've posted and you've been anxiously awaiting it! My apologies, I took a week long stay-cation and haven't even picked up my camera! Spent the majority of this week catching up on movies that I hadn't had a chance to watch, and eating a lot of banana bread. 

But alas, I still need to make a blog post, and I also needed a way to share the following images. So I present, my work baseball game from the starting of the month. As you can probably guess, I don't really sport at all. So I decided instead of playing, I would bring my camera and I would photograph the game instead. I managed to get some great shots, and it gave me a chance to try out some new post-processing that I have been trying. 

So please take a look, let me know what you think about the processing I did, let me know what you think about the images, and let me know who your favourite superhero is, just for fun!

I am shooting an amazing wedding session this coming Sunday with my good friend Andrew, and he is going to do some video work so I will hopefully have a neat little behind the scenes video to post next week! 


Until next time, 


Allan Brunke